00:00:00 - The Hardest Thing About Scaling a Digital Agency
00:00:11 - Realizing the Need for Team Changes
00:00:22 - The Challenge of Replacing Long-Time Team Members
00:01:15 - Short-Term Pain vs. Long-Term Gain
00:01:36 - Accepting Mediocrity vs. Striving for Greatness
00:01:59 - The Meaning of "Fine"
00:02:10 - Hiring Self-Managing Team Members
00:03:24 - Decision-Making Based on Vision
00:03:34 - Identifying Team Members Who Should Leave
00:03:56 - The Benefits of Letting Go
00:04:17 - Coaching vs. Replacing
00:04:28 - The Win-Win of Making Hard Decisions

Do you want to know the hardest part of building and scaling a digital agency?

Running an agency is fraught with challenges that can leave you feeling you’re constantly facing a new storm. Today I’ll talk about a challenge so hard many agency owners avoid it for years, and it is firing employees who don’t have what it takes to continue growing.

Many of them may have been with you since the very beginning and become real friends. However, they’ve failed to grow as fast as the agency has.

A large part of scaling your agency hinges on identifying the right individuals who can elevate your business. Once you figure this out, you’ll see it’s time to replace some key players.

Usually, agency owners dread this moment and feel it’ll put too much pressure on them or their team. While it's true that there may be short-term challenges—your team will need to step up during the transition—the long-term benefits are undeniable.

By letting go of those who are merely "fine" in their roles, you pave the way for greatness within your agency.

So if there’s anyone currently on your team who you’d be relieved to see quit, you already know they’re not right for your agency anymore and need to move on.

It’ll be the best move for your agency, for your team, and even for that employee who is no longer giving 100%.


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