Find Your Tribe: A Lesson About Transparency in Business

00:00:11 - Importance of Finding Your Tribe
00:00:21 - Challenges in Finding a Suitable Community
00:00:43 - Jason’s recent experience with a mastermind
00:02:20 - Importance of Transparency in Communities
00:02:42 - Benefits of Being Part of a Community
00:03:03 - Advice on Honesty and Marketing Tactics

How important do you think it is to find your 'tribe' in the business world? Have you tried to find such a community? In a marketplace overflowing with options, it often seems many lack a genuine focus on problem-solving and valuable advice.

Finding your tribe is essential in any aspect of life, whether it be in business or personal development. The entire reason behind starting Agency Mastery was to create a resource I wish I had when I was running my first agency. It’s a place where agency owners can find a tribe of people who understand their challenges and can help guide them and come up with solutions.

I’ve always believed once you find your community you’ll be able to grow much faster and keep constantly leveling up. However, it’s made ten times harder by the amount of people who open masterminds to sell rather than to serve as a resource.

Let me tell you about a recent experience I had. A business associate recommended a mastermind and, since I’m always looking for the right one, I decided to try out and go through the selection process, which every good mastermind should have.

Well, one of the first signs that it probably wasn’t right for me was that they assured me they had an 11-month waiting list with over 10,000 applications. It seemed disingenuous and made to stand out. Sure enough, just six hours after applying I received an email saying I was accepted. Since I was still curious, I booked a call.

The final nail in the coffin was that I waited around fifteen minutes for the call to begin on the scheduled date. That alone told me what I needed to know about this mastermind, but apart from that the tone during the call was also very salesy.

Was it the greatest experience? No. Will I continue to search for the right mastermind for me? I sure will. And that’s what I want to pass on to other agency owners; even if it isn’t with my mastermind, you should always look for your community because growing an agency can be a very lonely path. Remember that the hardest job in the world will be easier and more enjoyable with the right people by your side.

Additionally, try to be transparent when it comes to what you offer clients. You don’t have to come up with fictitious waiting lists just to seem more interesting, just be honest about what you bring to the table and how you can help solve their problems. It’ll make it easier for the right clients to find you.


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