How to TRIPLE Your Agency’s Client Referrals

00:00 - The Importance of Low-Hanging Fruit

00:35 - Why there’s no secret formula

00:56 - Leveraging Client Success

01:07 - Asking for Referrals

01:33 - Getting Specific with Referrals

02:00 - Using LinkedIn Connections

02:32 - Incentivizing Referrals

02:53 - Creating a Win-Win-Win Situation

03:24 - Training Your Team

03:47 - Making Referrals Scalable

Want to know the secret to getting more high-quality leads without spending a fortune on marketing? What if I told you there's a powerful growth strategy you might be overlooking? If you're a newcomer in the business world and seeking to expand your clientele, one of the first things you need to do is also one of the easiest. Client referrals are a powerful tool for growth in any business, including digital marketing agencies. In this video, I share valuable insights on how to leverage client referrals for business growth.

I have been running agencies for the past twenty-five years and in that time I’ve seen a lot of agency owners are missing this low hanging fruit, which I think is a big mistake, as it’s one of the best ways to generate more business for your agency.

Ask Happy Clients for Referrals

When a client is happy with the results of your services, it is the perfect opportunity to ask them if they know anyone else who could benefit from your services.

By simply asking the question, "Who else do you know that would possibly like a result like you just got?" you can get introductions to new prospects. One possibility is that your client will say they can’t think of anyone. This is where you get specific and ask “Do you know of an agency that’s over $1 million in revenue and does [insert specific service]?” You can also check out similar agencies they’re connected with on LinkedIn so you can list out some options.

Train your team members who regularly engage with clients to identify satisfied customers, ask for referrals, and explain the benefits and you'll create a sustainable and scalable referral system that fuels your agency's growth, making it a predictable source of new business.




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