Smart Agency Masterclass Podcast with Jason Swenk

Bi-weekly interviews, strategy, and advice for building your marketing agency the smart way.

The popular agency podcast has just turned 10 years old and covers everything from starting a successful agency to selling your agency.

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We host some of the smartest minds in business…

Why Your Agency Leadership Style Must Evolve to Enable Growth with Bobbie Bailey | Ep #626
Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

Why Your Agency Leadership Style Must Evolve to Enable Growth with Bobbie Bailey | Ep #626

How would you define your agency leadership style? Has your leadership evolved as your agency grows? Or has it remained stagnant as you keep doing things the way you've always done them? Ideally, your style should align with your agency culture and enable the desired outcomes for your agency. Finding your ideal leadership approach takes time, but it helps to first clearly define your goals. Furthermore, what kind of culture do you want to foster in your business? As today's guest explains, agency owners need to adjust their leadership style as their agency continually grows. She shares how she's identified the right leadership style for her agency's current stage, and how her leadership team has also adopted styles that align with how they want to show up for the agency.

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Top 4 Agency Sales Tactics That Work: Insights from Brand CEO Kelley Thornton | Ep #625
Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

Top 4 Agency Sales Tactics That Work: Insights from Brand CEO Kelley Thornton | Ep #625

Are you getting the attention of your ideal clients? Ever wonder if your sales tactics are working? Wonder what clients think about your sales emails and calls? Most agency salespeople believe in what they sell but are unknowingly going about sales in the worst way, scaring off potential clients. Today’s guest once owned a marketing agency and has moved to the client side with a very successful retail brand he founded. He shares the secret of what sales tactics get his attention and how you can improve your sales to stand out from the competition.

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Unlock INBOUND MARKETING STRATEGIES That Attract More Clients with David Mausolf | Ep #624
Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

Unlock INBOUND MARKETING STRATEGIES That Attract More Clients with David Mausolf | Ep #624

Are you looking to connect with decision-makers in big brands? Do you want to land bigger, high-value clients? Big brands realize there's a good match with boutique agencies that provide a fresh and innovative approach. So how can your agency unlock inbound marketing strategies and get noticed by big brands? One agency has worked with household names like Disney and Shopify. He explains why he strongly believes in the value of forming and nurturing strong relationships with people rather than brands, and how betting on someone’s growth can help you land big clients and take your agency to the next level.

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Unleash Your AGENCY LEADERSHIP Potential by Overcoming Self-Doubt with Kate Ahl | Ep #623
Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

Unleash Your AGENCY LEADERSHIP Potential by Overcoming Self-Doubt with Kate Ahl | Ep #623

Do you sometimes doubt your ability as an agency owner? Are you constantly comparing yourself and feeling like you have imposter syndrome? Setbacks make every agency owner nervous about their ability to push through. Today’s guest has been successfully running an agency in an unconventional niche for years. They have experienced their share of setbacks and she was forced to come to terms with the fact that hard times shape her business as much as successes. Our guest shares how she learned to separate her identity from her role as agency owner and the importance of looking for outside support. As a result, she’s become much a more effective leader.

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Overcome Digital Agency Sales Objections: Decode the 'Let Me Think About It' Objection | Ep #622
Convert (Sales) Stacey Green Convert (Sales) Stacey Green

Overcome Digital Agency Sales Objections: Decode the 'Let Me Think About It' Objection | Ep #622

Every digital agency struggles with some of the most common sales objections. I'm here to tell you how to turn those around and convert more prospects into clients, faster and easier. Have you ever felt your agency’s proposal knocked it out of the park only to have the prospect put you off? It happens to all of us. You put your energy and effort into a stellar proposal only to receive a lackluster response like “Let me talk to my partner”, “let me see if we have the money”, or my personal favorite “Send me more information”.

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Break Into a New Niche with a Strategic Agency Acquisition with David Hernandez | Ep #621
Selling Your Agency Stacey Green Selling Your Agency Stacey Green

Break Into a New Niche with a Strategic Agency Acquisition with David Hernandez | Ep #621

Have you thought about expanding into a new industry? Ever wonder about buying another agency for their expertise and book of business? Even for an established agency, it can be difficult to break into a new space. However, a strategic agency acquisition can save a lot of time and effort. Today's guest found an agency acquisition was the ideal way to break into another niche. In this conversation, he shares some of what he learned from his agency acquisition and some lessons learned along the way.

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How One Agency Doubled Revenue Becoming Specialists in a Unique Niche with James Kaye | Ep #619
Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

How One Agency Doubled Revenue Becoming Specialists in a Unique Niche with James Kaye | Ep #619

Are you resisting the advice to niche down and become a specialist? Do you think niching down means losing opportunities and turning down clients? It's normal to fear a change like this but when you understand your ideal audience, you can't lose. Your ideal prospects will notice that you speak their language and understand their challenges. That leads to building trust and authority as well as a pipeline full of prospects. For one agency, everything changed once they realized they already had tons of success in an uncommon niche. It took time but this agency doubled revenue when they went all in.

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The Ultimate Playbook for Building a Top-Notch Sales Team for Your Digital Agency | Ep #618
Convert (Sales) Stacey Green Convert (Sales) Stacey Green

The Ultimate Playbook for Building a Top-Notch Sales Team for Your Digital Agency | Ep #618

Are you tired of being the only one in your agency responsible for closing deals? Would you like to build a top-notch agency sales team to land the deals you’ve always wanted? In this episode, you'll learn how to find the right salesperson, build a sales team, train, manage, and compensate them so the owner is no longer the one responsible for agency sales.

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Conquering 3 Big Challenges in Order to Grow Your Digital Agency with Andrew Gottlieb | Ep #617
Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

Conquering 3 Big Challenges in Order to Grow Your Digital Agency with Andrew Gottlieb | Ep #617

Are you an accidental agency owner? Most of us are! That is why it's important to continually evolve in order to grow your digital agency. Can you identify the milestones that have gotten you where you are? What are the biggest challenges you’ve had to face? As an agency owner, it's important to stay inspired and stay the course on the path we're paving for ourselves. Today’s guest took inspiration from various industry leaders to start his agency and learn how to grow from just an owner to a CEO. He’s been in the agency world for over ten years and has had to reinvent a few times to keep up with new challenges. He shares ways he has conquered challenges in different stages of his agency and the milestones that helped him keep going.

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About the Show

The popular agency podcast has been around since 2014 and covers everything from starting a successful agency to selling your agency. What makes this podcast a must-listen is Swenk’s background as the founder and CEO of an agency for over a decade. Swenk brings his own experience to the table, besides the expertise of his guests. He mostly covers topics that help growing agencies scale to the next level.



Smart Agency Masterclass

Jason is a family man who also happens to have created a couple big marketing agencies, helped thousands of agency owners, and had a big agency exit too.