Smart Agency Masterclass Podcast with Jason Swenk

Bi-weekly interviews, strategy, and advice for building your marketing agency the smart way.

The popular agency podcast has just turned 10 years old and covers everything from starting a successful agency to selling your agency.

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HIRING TIPS FOR AGENCIES in the Growth and Scaling Phases with Manish Dudharejia | Ep #572
Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

HIRING TIPS FOR AGENCIES in the Growth and Scaling Phases with Manish Dudharejia | Ep #572

Are you in the growth phase or the scale phase of your agency journey? Do you need generalists, specialists, or both? Knowing where you're at is the key to knowing who to hire to get where you're going.  Today’s guest is in the scaling phase and believes this is when an agency needs to hire specialists. Before that, it’s all about hiring generalists that can handle multiple tasks and get the business to the next stage.

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How an Owner's UNCONVENTIONAL EXIT STRATEGY Boosted Agency Success with Leeann Leahy | Ep #571
Selling Your Agency, Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Selling Your Agency, Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

How an Owner's UNCONVENTIONAL EXIT STRATEGY Boosted Agency Success with Leeann Leahy | Ep #571

Do you want your eventual exit to benefit many instead of a few? Want to motivate and empower the team by making them personally invested in the agency’s success? Have you thought about employee shares or stock options? Learn what you should do and what to avoid in this situation from the CEO of an employee-owned agency. It was an unconventional exit strategy by its owner. However, it the new ownership structure offers many benefits for all involved and is a very interesting way to positively ensure that everyone at the agency has skin in the game.

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Why Acquisitions Aren't an Impossible Growth Strategy for Your Agency with Todd Nienkerk | Ep #570
Selling Your Agency Stacey Green Selling Your Agency Stacey Green

Why Acquisitions Aren't an Impossible Growth Strategy for Your Agency with Todd Nienkerk | Ep #570

Do you want to grow your agency through an acquisition? Would what it would look like to merge with an agency offering complementary services? What if you could expand your team by acquiring another agency's talent?  An acquisition might feel impossible, but done right can be an amazing growth strategy. Today’s guest never thought he would acquire not one but two agencies. He saw acquisitions as an impossible growth strategy that required enormous amounts of cash. In the end, it was just about finding the right partners. He is on the show to share his experiences buying out his partners and eventually making two acquisitions.

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How to Charge More by Increasing Confidence & Implementing the LUXURY MODEL with Kathryn Porrit | Ep #569
Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

How to Charge More by Increasing Confidence & Implementing the LUXURY MODEL with Kathryn Porrit | Ep #569

Do you have the confidence to charge what you're worth? Do your clients understand your agency's value? Understanding your value is an important part of growing your agency. It requires strategy and attracting the right clients. Most of all it requires a lot of confidence. If you truly believe in yourself and your pricing, the right clients won't think twice about paying it. Today’s guest specializes in taking her clients to the very highest levels in the market. She believes agency owners need to stop charging mainstream prices and start charging luxury prices in order to scale faster.

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How to Create WORK-LIFE BALANCE With Anti-Hustle Culture at Your Agency with Jeanna Barrett | Ep #568
Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

How to Create WORK-LIFE BALANCE With Anti-Hustle Culture at Your Agency with Jeanna Barrett | Ep #568

What do you think about hustle culture? Do you have a healthy work-life balance with your agency? Does your team? As the owner, you set the tone for the agency's culture. And what is important to you by extension becomes important to the team. Today’s guest owns a boutique agency she started after quitting her job in the tech space after feeling exhausted from 80-hour work weeks. She started fresh in Belize with a new mindset about the type of work-life balance she wanted and the culture she’d create for her agency.

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How to Break Through No Man's Land & GROW BEYOND a 7-FIGURE Agency Revenue with Ruth Bernstein | Ep #567
Scaling Stacey Green Scaling Stacey Green

How to Break Through No Man's Land & GROW BEYOND a 7-FIGURE Agency Revenue with Ruth Bernstein | Ep #567

Do you feel like you're in no man's land? Growing beyond the $1 Million mark and beyond 7 figures can be a very gray area where the agency is making more money but the owner is working more than ever. This is no man’s land and it's a sign you need a strong leadership team to get the agency to the next level. Today’s guest is an accidental agency owner, like most, who found the transition to Agency CEO reignited her interest in the business. She now runs an agency that serves its clients and aims to have an impact on the community.

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How to Make More Money Using AI Tools to Create Content for Agency Clients with Ryan Sargent | Ep #566
Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

How to Make More Money Using AI Tools to Create Content for Agency Clients with Ryan Sargent | Ep #566

If you’ve been paying attention, then you know this is the year for AI content creation like ChatGPT. (Even Ryan Reynolds and Mint Mobile know it  :) Should your agency be using it too? Are you worried about turning off clients over this technology? Or could you make more money using it?  There are drawbacks, which is why agency owners need to know the best way to leverage AI for content. Today’s guests are experts in content creation as they talk about pros, cons, and how agencies can use AI like ChatGPT to be more efficient and grow their business.

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What are the Top Priorities for Building a STRONG AGENCY FOUNDATION? With Christy Pretzinger | Ep #565
Scale Your Agency Stacey Green Scale Your Agency Stacey Green

What are the Top Priorities for Building a STRONG AGENCY FOUNDATION? With Christy Pretzinger | Ep #565

If you're in the early stages of your agency, what should you prioritize in order to grow? With so many things to track and so many hats to wear, how do you know what's most important? What deserves your time and attention? As a solopreneur with a startup, building relationships and establishing values for your are crucial for growth. Yet, some owners are not equipped to maintain these parts of the business. So, how can you prioritize these factors when growing your agency?

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Proven Strategies for MAXIMIZING MARGINS and Improving Cash Flow with Chris Hervochon | Ep #564
Scaling Stacey Green Scaling Stacey Green

Proven Strategies for MAXIMIZING MARGINS and Improving Cash Flow with Chris Hervochon | Ep #564

Looking to improve agency margins and profitability? Which key metrics are important to track? Are you paying yourself a salary? How much cash should you have in reserve? If you’re hoping to sell soon, you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of starting to pay yourself a salary. Potential buyers will pay attention to this and many other details you could start to work on right now. Today’s guest owns a CPA firm focused on helping agency owners scale by getting their finances in order and avoiding the biggest mistakes in agency finances.

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When and How to Sell Your Agency with a PROFITABLE ACQUISITION with Amanda Dixon | Ep #563
Selling Your Agency Stacey Green Selling Your Agency Stacey Green

When and How to Sell Your Agency with a PROFITABLE ACQUISITION with Amanda Dixon | Ep #563

What do you need to know about selling your agency? Is the market right for a sale or acquisition? What does a successful M&A deal look like? It's actually a good time to sell and there’s no shortage of buyers. If you are prepared and have guidance, an acquisition can be smoother and faster than you think. Today’s guest specializes in mergers and acquisitions in the agency space. In this conversation, she shares how to realistically determine your agency's valuation, two common questions about acquisition deals, and what you can expect when you sell your agency.

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About the Show

The popular agency podcast has been around since 2014 and covers everything from starting a successful agency to selling your agency. What makes this podcast a must-listen is Swenk’s background as the founder and CEO of an agency for over a decade. Swenk brings his own experience to the table, besides the expertise of his guests. He mostly covers topics that help growing agencies scale to the next level.



Smart Agency Masterclass

Jason is a family man who also happens to have created a couple big marketing agencies, helped thousands of agency owners, and had a big agency exit too.