The Agency Creed

I will remain 100% committed.  I understand Agency Mastery is a partnership. Like any other partnership, I must do my fair share and be a valuable partner. That means giving to and supporting my fellow members because in doing so, we all grow.

I will show up. I'll attend all scheduled meetings unless I'm on vacation. I will not intentionally book other meetings at the time(s) when I know my success group is meeting. I know if I miss too many meetings, I will be asked to leave. 

I will be transparent. I will be open and honest with my fellow members because I know we're all in the same boat. Even if we're at different stages of growth we can still learn from each other. I will even admit when I’m wrong so fellow members can learn from my mistakes.

I will GIVE more than I take. I will engage in the Slack community daily and be as helpful as possible when other members post about their struggles and challenges. I will share my knowledge and collaborate with other members as often as possible. 

I will not push my own agenda. I'm here to learn and grow as much as everyone else. I will be helpful and provide value with thoughtful comments and feedback. I will not try to connect with members without any false intentions. 

I will trust the process. I joined the Mastery because I’ve heard the case stories; I want to BE a case story. That’s why I will fill out my quarterly worksheets, so the team can personalize my plan for growth. I understand that if I don’t follow the process, I can only blame myself if it doesn’t work.

I will pay it forward. I will share my experience and make time to meet with others members as needed. When I set a meeting with a new member or accountability partner I will treat it with the same respect and importance as I would my biggest client. I know this is important because, down the road, another member will treat my meeting with the same level of priority and respect.

I WILL do these things because I want to grow and scale my agency. I understand that I am part of this group by invitation and if I break any of these standards I will be asked to leave.